quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2016

Indeterminate and unified equivalence graceli of space, time, mass, inertia, gravity, and geometricidade oscillation field and forces.

For a system of forces and electroweak field has inertia in positive and negative action or even in some range between the two forces becomes zero, i.e., there is no strength since the negative and positive fields are offsetting [i.e., There is a balance of positive and negative forces at the same time operating with this to have a zero motion, and that a null inertia, and when it has a positive attraction has a type of inertia, and when moving away if it has a inertia removal, ie, the own inertia varies with both forces operating in electroweak field.

On the other hand also to the gravity particles and gases works in both directions and directions, i.e., large objects attracts and repels bodies and small bodies, the gindo as the electromagnetic field, weak and strong.

Thus, the equivalent inertia and gravity for graceli system changes with respect to the general relativity system.

And what we have is another type of curvature. That is, we have rather a curve oscillation system [type waves] changing from concave to convex and vice versa. In other words, what we have is the very inertia in this unified indeterminalidade. Between geometry oscillatory fields, waves, mass, space and time and inertia.

On the other hand also have a mass that has geometrical shape in the space, ie it extends in space and time and also in geometricidade. That is, the mass extends beyond its density and extending across space and time.

The graceli space becomes dynamic and oscillating, and its inertia also varies between concave and convex, and attraction and repulsion. The same applies to the mass graceli.

EIiiUG = Equivalence and indeterminalidade, instability, unpredictability of unified graceli.

                                 oa+ or [occ, ocx, ] m, M, e, e, t, g, i / h / pi/  ɣ = iiiG.  

                                 G + na + f + e + e + p + C + o / h / pi / ɣ = IIIG.

h / pi / ɣ III g =. = Pi, quantum index, pi, .gama.

ɣ = gamma = beam speed fields. No massless and with great potential for speed. The higher speed of the universe.

ɣ = gamma = beam speed fields. No massless and with great potential for speed. The higher speed of the universe.

Attraction oscillation, repulsion, concave and convex oscillation, mass, momentum, energy, space, time, geometry and inertia].

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